Past Programs


Who Looks After Water: A Conversation about Water’s More-Than-Human Guardians

April 9th, 2024

The event focused on how more-than-human beings (such as Trees, Wolves and Eels) are fulfilling their roles and responsibilities towards the ecosystems they call home, while playing their part in maintaining an ecosystem balance that keeps all life flourishing.


The Spirits of Nature: Respecting the Ancestral Guardians of the Natural World

March 19th, 2024

The webinar addressed how communities have, since time immemorial, honored and protected the spirits of the natural world. From communities standing up to defend the guardians of mountains to water guardians that advocate for the spirits of rivers, humans have long acknowledged the existence of the beings who don't fit into the western empirical conception of nature.




De-structuring Ownership: Dismantling Colonialist Notions of Private Property

February 28th, 2024

The event grapples with the history of colonization and commodification of the more-than-human world, drawing the connection between settler colonial conception of private property, and the current climate crisis.

In-Person Event

Microplastics in the Raquette & Grasse Rivers

February 5th, 2024

St. Lawrence Health Regional Administrative Campus

Dr. Abul Baki and Addrita Haque presented on their groundbreaking research about microplastic pollution in the Raquette and Grasse Rivers. They discussed their findings, how the abundance and risk of microplastics in rural areas of North Country, how microplastics harm the aquatic environment and human health, and what can be done to protect North Country waters from this type of pollution.

In-Person Event

Listening to Water Artist Talk III - Learning Educating and Growing

November 30th, 2023

St. Lawrence University F. Brush Gallery, Canton, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory)

The artists and educators came together to discuss the importance of environmental education, and how the young Watershed Guardians are planting the seeds for the sustainable and just future for the entire region. This event featured Matt Burnett, Erika Barthelmess, and Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo. Above art by Matt Burnett.

In-Person Event

Listening to Water Art/Science Talk II - Environmental Storytelling

November 1st, 2023

St. Lawrence University F. Brush Gallery, Canton, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory)

Artists and traditional knowledge holders joined scientific researchers to discuss how art, science, and the humanities can work together to share the voices of waterways. This event featured David Kanietakeron Fadden, Michale Glennon, Curt Stager, and Esthela Calderón Chévez. Above art in progress by Michale Glennon.


Water Has No Borders: Working Together for the Great Lakes Basin

October 27th, 2023

Online Event

The communities from across the Great Lakes Bioregion will discuss how to unite across borders and advocate for the Rights of the connecting Waters that bring life to all.

In-Person Event

Listening to Water Artist Talk I

When Water Speaks

October 16, 2023

St. Lawrence University F. Brush Gallery, Canton, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory)

The artists and curators joined to discuss their relationship to North Country waterways and how people can use art and creative expression to advocate for their communities, and the Rights (Rites) of all their more-than-human relations. This event featured Iakonikonriiosta, Blake Lavia, Rachael Marne Jones, and Charlie Reinertsen. Above artwork by Charlie Reinertsen.

Art Exhibit

Listening To Water

Oct 16 – Nov 18, 2023

St. Lawrence University F. Brush Gallery, Canton, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory)

In a St. Lawrence University exhibition, artists, researchers, and traditional knowledge holders collaborate to share the voices of rivers and their more-than-human guardians. Above artwork by Blake Lavia.


Water Guardians: East to West

October 4, 2023

Online Event

We are connected through our Waters, and if Water is threatened somewhere, repercussions will be felt throughout the globe. Activists from across Turtle Island (North America) joined together to discuss, through a Rights of Nature lens, the current climate crisis and how to create networks of solidarity.

In-Person Event

Rivers Tell Stories, Rivers Have Rights

August 29th, 2023

Potsdam Public Library, Potsdam, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory)

Poets and river advocates gathered to share poems and stories about Rivers, and learn about the rights of the more-than-human world. From poetry to action, the speakers invited their audience to consider how we can all honor the Rivers we love, and advocate for adopting Rights of Nature law at the municipal level.


The Health of the Raquette River

August 9th, 2023

Online Event

From microplastics to the recent Supreme Court ruling on wetlands, river scientist, policy researchers and environmental educators joined together to discuss the threats that the Raquette River is facing, and what steps can be taken to protect this beloved River.


Rivers Have Rights

April 22nd, 2023

Clarkson University, 8 Clarkson Ave, Potsdam, NY 13699 (Haudenosaunee Territory)

On Earth Day, community members came together in Potsdam, NY (Haudenosaunee Territory) to learn about the North Country Rights of Rivers Movement. The event covered how "Rights of Nature" is a vital paradigm shift that can help protect the beloved Rivers, who are part of our communities.


North Country Rights of Nature Symposium

March 22nd, 2022

Online Event

Moderate a the Voice of Rivers Youth Committee, the program addresses the environmental threats facing the rivers and watersheds, the global "Rights of Nature" movement, indigenous stewardship practices, and how to create an ECOCENTRIC governance system for the waterways of New York's North Country, (Haudenosaunee Territory). Above artwork by Blake Lavia.

Art Exhibit

North Country Art, Land and Environment Summit

Sept 9th – Oct 2nd, 2020

Online Event

In the face of the climate crises, communities across the Kaniatarowanénhne / St. Lawrence River Watershed (Haudenosaunee Territory) are organizing to create a sustainable and just future for the region. Through a series of five virtual events and two art exhibitions, the summit utilized art and conversation to put the crises into context, and present local environmental solutions. Above artwork by Iakonikonriiosta.

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All rights reserved by Talking Rivers, Inc. on behalf of itself and the Rivers and their Human Guardians.

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